
Frequently Asked Questions



  • We supply equipment that is generally clean. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to make sure that the food and beverages you serve are free from deadly toxins.  Therefore, we recommend our customers to please wash equipment before it is used.
  • We supply chafing fuel based on the description of the manufacturer.  The manufacturer reserves the right to guarantee that the fuel will ignite and the burning duration.  

How to book equipment for reservation

All equipment bookings and consumables purchasing is done direct from our website. Please check the Ordering Process from requesting a general quotation to placing an order as a new or returning customer.  Most importantly, check the Bookings Calendar for the dates and times when equipment can be collected and/or returned back to us. If the stipulated times do not suit your event, contact us as we may be able to make some adjustments.  However, your event date must be at least a month away.  Please note that we only reserve equipment that has been paid for.  Therefore once you receive the invoice read the email fully and ask for clarification if you need to do so.

Minimun Order Requirement

Some of the equipment have a minimum order requirement when hired alone. However, the m.o.r does not affect the item when hired in combination with other equipment. For example, if you want to hire wine decanters only, you must hire at least 5 units.  However, you can hire 2 wine decanters when your order includes other equipment. 

Refundable Deposit Requirement

We charge 40% (of the total value of equipment hired including equipment on FREE hire offer) Refundable Deposit (RD) which is added to the invoice. This prepaid RD is paid back in its entirety upon returning the equipment in satisfactory conditions that:

  • the Original equipment is returned (i.e. not swapped/or replaced with non-durable replica)
  • the equipment is returned in their original Quantities
  • the equipment is returned in their Original packaging or as they were received
  • the equipment is returned Clean and Dry, (unless the customer ordered a cleaning service)
  • the equipment is returned in their Good Working Conditions,
  • the equipment is returned Without any defects/dents/burnout/discolouration/rust/cracks/holes,
  • the equipment is returned within the 4-day period. E.g. equipment collected on Friday must be returned on the following Monday. Party Equip UK reserves the discretion to extend the time only if the extenuating circumstances are deemed valid.
  • unclean equipment is returned on the same day after your event or early the next day.

Making invoice payment

Once you receive your invoice, full payment must be made by the given time period which is usually communicated via email. As soon as the invoice is paid for, the order processing begins.  We DO NOT do cash payments.  Currently, we have 4 methods of payment available; 

Please note that the Refundable Deposit (RD) is paid back using the same method the invoice was paid. 


Amending your order

After submitting your order, you are given a time frame within which can make any necessary changes to your order to;

  • increase or reduce item quantity
  • add completely new items/services to the order
  • remove items/services from the order
  • Change destination for delivery/collection of equipment, etc. or
  • Cancel the order

Please email us about these changes and we will send you an updated invoice.

Order Cancellation and Refund

After submitting your order, you are given a time frame within which you can make payment and cancel your order all before you make payment.  However, if your event can no longer take place, you may still be refunded on the following conditions:

 The Refund Process:

  1. We refund 100% of the invoice where a natural disaster is the extenuating factor causing your event to be cancelled. 
  2. We refund 80% of the invoice where the event is cancelled for any other reason.  However, the customer must notify us within 10 days before the event date.
  3. There is NO REFUND for orders cancelled in less than 10 days before the event date.  A postponement is acceptable as long as the event is rescheduled within the same year.
  4. There is NO REFUND for orders cancelled after equipment has been delivered to the customer.
  5. There is NO REFUND where a customer ordered the wrong item.  Therefore, customers are encouraged to ask for details about the equipment if they are uncertain about size, capacity, etc. 
  6. There is NO REFUND for services procured, e.g. delivery and cleaning services. 

Large Orders payment conditions

For any orders of £500 and above we can allow payment in 2 instalments as long as full payment is achieved 5 days before the event date. If your order is cancelled before the second and final instalment is paid, you will be refunded based on the above mentioned Refund Process.  

Collecting Equipment

Equipment collection time is strictly controlled by the Bookings Calendar, unless prior arrangements have been agreed on. Parking is readily available at the time of your appointment.  A customer can change the collection time on the day as long as it is within the time frame stipulated by the Bookings Calendar.  In this case the customer must inform us of this change. 

Returning Equipment

The time to return equipment is strictly controlled by the Bookings Calendar, unless different arrangements have been agreed on. Otherwise, equipment must be returned within 2 days after the event.  If the deadline is missed we charge extra £3 on each day passed (Monday - Friday) and extra £5 for every Saturday and Sunday or as stipulated in point (16) of our T&Cs. However, if the equipment is not returned 4 days after the event, we bill the customer extra 100% of the total invoice.  Therefore, we recommend that if a customer is facing difficulties in returning the equipment, they should contact us for new arrangements.   

Equipment Cleaning Service

We provide an after event cleaning service.  However, the equipment must be retuned the same day or the next day after the event.  For more information, please click here.

Delivery Service 

We provide delivery service to and from customer destination within our service area of Coventry and nearby towns and cities.  For more information, please click here.    

How to use Gastronomy and/or electrical equipment

We provide sufficient information and video demo links in the description of each item on how to safely set up and use chafing dishes, water boilers, soup kettles, etc.  Before the equipment is handed over to the customer, we usually, demonstrate how it is operated, and we test boilers and soup kettles to make sure they are fully operational.      

Chafing Fuel 

We supply approximately 3 hours chafing fuel when you hire our chafing dishes. We also sell gel and liquid chafing fuel from 2 to 6 hours burn time.  Please note that the fuel burn time is guaranteed by the manufacturer of the product.  Therefore, we are not liable if the burn time falls short or the fuel does not ignite. However this is a rare situation for fuel to not light up.   

Equipment Care

Chafing dishes/food warmers/gastronomy equipment: When you are using chafing dishes, please DO NOT insert burner covers while you are heating up the equipment.  Only insert burner lids to extinguish the flame.  Once the burner has cooled down please discard the fuel cans before returning the equipment to us.  All equipment MUST be cleaned and dried properly before returning them to us including all parts of gastronomy equipment.  Repackage all equipment the way we recommend i.e. as they have been presented to you by us.  For example, DO NOT stack water pans as they can get stuck to each other making it difficult to separate them.  Any attempt to forcefully pull them apart may dent the equipment as well as causing injury to the person(s) who is pulling them out.

Gastronomy equipment/chafing dish: After food service please DO NOT leave food pans with food remnants especially rice, to stand for a long time before washing them to avoid discolouration of the equipment. After service soak them in water for about 30 mins or until they can be washed without using abrasive material.

Cutlery and serving utensils: After food service please soak cutlery/utensils in warm water for 30 minutes or until the food remnants are rid of.  Wipe the cutlery/utensils and keep them dry all the time during and after your service to avoid rusting.  When washing this equipment DO NOT use any abrasive material to avoid scratching the surface.

Crockery and glassware: Our crockery is durable and chip resistant.  However, we will not accept any chipped dinner plates, bowls, glassware, etc. as they are considered damaged beyond use.  When the equipment is presented to you, please check for any damages.

Cleaning equipment: Please DO NOT use abrasive scourers to clean any of our equipment; chinaware, glass, rubber or stainless as this will damage the quality of the items. Ideally, all glassware must be returned unwashed to minimise damage. No extra cost charged.  All clean equipment MUST be dried properly before repackaged or before stacking them to avoid discolouration and rusting on metal equipment.    

Lost or Damaged Equipment and/or Packaging

There are charges for lost equipment or damaged equipment beyond its intended use. Beyond intended use also refers to visible dents that are not good for display to the satisfaction of a user.  For loss/damage charges, click here.  Please make sure you retain the packaging material used by us.  Otherwise you may be charged for damaged packaging boxes.


 Terms and Conditions

Our T&Cs cover almost every aspect you need to know before committing to do business with us. Click here to read them now.

updated and valid from 31/07/2022