Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Please, read these terms carefully before you commit to do business with us.  You are most welcome to ask for clarification of any point(s) below. The term "supplier" in this document shall refer to Party Equip UK. 


  1. We charge a prepaid 40% refundable deposit (RD) for all the equipment hired.  This is 40% of the total value of equipment hired including the value of equipment on free hire.  The RD is fully returned to the customer in the event that:
    • equipment is received in their Original Quantities,
    • the original item is returned.  We DO NOT accept replica or swapped items
    • equipment is received Clean and Dry, unless a cleaning service has been requested.
    • equipment is received Packaged as hired
    • equipment is received in Good Working Conditions,
    • equipment is received Without any defects or imperfections,
    • equipment is returned On Time as booked unless some arrangements have been agreed on.
  2. The supplier will supply the order on time.
  3. All equipment must be returned properly cleaned and thoroughly dry where a customer agrees to clean the equipment after use.  Otherwise we will charge customer at least £10 for returning wet and/or, unclean equipment. 
  4. In any event that the customer can no longer clean the equipment, please be sure to return the equipment on the same day of your event or the next day. However, you MUST discuss this with the supplier.  In addition, the customer must pay for the cleaning service according to the current charges from our website.
  5. In case of loss/damage of equipment, the Refundable Deposit is used to settle the bill. Where damage/loss exceeds the prepaid amount, the deficit is billed to the customer.   
  6. We recommend that customers submit their booking requests at least 5 days before collection/delivery date to allow us better preparation. For events in less than 5 days customer must contact supplier before submitting a booking form.  Note that equipment in RED is either depleting or out of stock.  Therefore, check availability first by calling us or email/message.
  7. Customers are given a timeframe within which they can make changes to their order, to add or remove items.  It is during this time that the customer can cancel their order before payment is done. 
  8. Electrical appliances are tested in the presence of the customer for quality assurance before they collect the equipment and after returning the equipment. Information on how to operate some of the equipment is readily available for the customer, or a demonstration can be done.
  9. In terms of chafing fuel, the supplier shall not guarantee longevity of burn time or whether the fuel will burn at all. The guarantee given is that of the product manufacturer.
  10. Customer agrees to abide by our "No Refund" policy.  A customer is refunded 100% of their cancelled order only if a natural disaster is the extenuating factor causing their event not to take place.  If the order is cancelled for any other reason, at least 5 days before the event date, the customer receives 80% of the total invoice. There is NO REFUND for orders that are cancelled after the service transaction has been completed. This also covers orders cancelled less than 5 days before the event date. 
  11. Payment must be paid in full and cleared before equipment is prepared for reservation.  This means, that after the customer receives an invoice, they must make payment within the timeframe given.  Otherwise no equipment is guaranteed to the customer.
  12. We do not accept cash payments.  Therefore, customers have 3 options to choose which method of payment suits them.  The method of payment used is the same method that supplier will use to refund their prepaid RD. 
  13. For large orders of at least £300, customers are allowed to 2 instalments to pay up as long as the last payment is received within the timeframe given. If the order is cancelled after partial payment has been made, the rule of  "No Refund" policy is applied. 
  14. Party Equip UK will supply equipment that is generally clean.  This means that we DO NOT polish cutlery or glassware.
  15. Party Equip UK will supply equipment that is not defective/damaged. Therefore, before the customer accepts the equipment, they must inspect and confirm that the equipment is in good working condition. 
  16. Party Equip UK will inspect equipment that is returning from the customer before the Refundable Deposit is returned to the customer. 
  17. The customer must return the equipment on time or discuss with supplier why they cannot meet the deadline. 
  18. The customer is liable for any loss/damage of equipment while in their care. Therefore, before committing to hire any equipment, please read and understand our Damage and Loss Recovery Policy for charges per item.
  19. The customer is responsible for collecting and returning all the equipment hired at the agreed date and time (allowed a maximum of 4 days inclusive of collection and return dates) unless other new arrangements have been negotiated.  Any missed returns will incur a daily surcharge of £10 (Monday-Friday) and £15 (Saturday and Sunday).  If return of equipment is delayed by 3+ days, the customer is liable to pay the full amount as initially charged for the order. Discretion is left to the supplier to charge or not to charge for delay, especially if the inevitable delay was discussed with the customers.

Updated and effective as of 15/10/2022